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The statements made on this website, and the information provided during any Bridgett Renee Health (BRH) consultation, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content on this website, Bridgett Renee Health, is provided solely for educational purposes. It is based on the personal observations, firsthand experiences, testimonials, and research from books and the internet conducted by Maurice Massey, President and Founder of Bridgett Renee Health, and the BRH Team, unless otherwise noted. The information shared here is intended for the dissemination of knowledge and should not be considered medical advice. At BRH, we encourage you to make informed healthcare decisions based on your research, in consultation with your doctor or healthcare professional. Should you decide to implement any protocols discussed during a BRH consultation, we strongly recommend consulting with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional beforehand. If you are experiencing illness, please seek immediate medical attention. While it is your constitutional right to self-prescribe treatment, please be aware that this carries inherent risks. If you opt to use the information provided by this website or during a BRH consultation without the approval of a healthcare professional, you do so at your own risk. Please note that the information we provide is not endorsed by organized medicine in the United States, including the Food and Drug Administration, the American Cancer Society, or the American Medical Association. The full responsibility for the use of this information rests with the user, and BRH assumes no liability for its use.


Metabolic and autoimmune diseases represent a growing health concern globally, affecting millions with conditions like thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and metabolic syndrome. These diseases can significantly impair quality of life and lead to long-term health complications if not managed properly. The complexity of these conditions requires a multifaceted approach to treatment and management, underscoring the need for comprehensive healthcare strategies.


At Bridgett Renee Health, we recognize the unique challenges posed by metabolic and autoimmune diseases. Conventional treatment methods often focus solely on symptom relief rather than addressing the root causes. Our approach is different. We provide personalized wellness plans that integrate the latest research and holistic methods to target the underlying factors of these diseases, offering a path to sustained health rather than temporary solutions.


We offer a transparent fee structure that includes an initial detailed consultation, a follow-up session, and ongoing support through email, text messaging, or phone calls. This one-time fee ensures that our clients receive comprehensive care and support throughout their wellness journey.


After clients complete an intake form and fulfill their payment, we schedule an in-depth initial consultation lasting 2 to 3 hours. This session is tailored to each client’s specific health situation, focusing on developing a strategic and personalized health plan. Subsequent follow-up consultations, typically lasting 30 minutes to an hour, are designed to monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed.


Bridgett Renee Health is committed to providing continuous support and guidance. Understanding the complexities of managing metabolic and autoimmune diseases, we stand by our clients every step of the way. Through personalized coaching via email, text, or phone, we ensure that every client has the tools and support necessary to achieve and maintain optimal health.